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Safety First Speed Next

Traffic rules in India are rarely followed. Road safety in India is not given importance. 10% of the global accidents occur in India.Open Now Hiring creates awareness by providing driver education and training to all Indian road users. It covers all aspects of defensive driving. Learning simple road habits and skills can make Indian roads safer.

 Indian traffic rules, regulations and laws are not known to the common road users। The Indian traffic authorities have failed to publish an Indian National Highway code in the 60 years since independence. Licence is given to anyone who can use the clutch-accelerator, thus the Indian motor driving schools teach just that. Most Indian drivers are not aware of the concepts of defensive driving. Its believed that poor law enforcement of Indian traffic rules and regulations causes chaos on Indian roads. Yet lack of training & respect for the other contributes most to traffic chaos, congestion and jams on Indian roads.

Safety First! Speed Next!!
Launch of Driver Education and Training DVD for Indian drivers:
Lets make the Indian road traffic safer
The Driver Education, Training and road safety awareness DVD for Indians covers all aspects of road safety and defensive driving skills. The entire series of 17 videos is available on a Promo DVD. It has been sent out for free to over 50 people. However future requests may be entertained only if recipients are happy to pay for the postage and packaging. The DVD is sent out on the agreement that it will be used on a not-for-profit basis. Groups & NGOs working to improve road safety in India may be given preference. Individuals may make copies for friends /relatives and use it for free public education workshops. Mass copying or modifying the content or label without permission is unacceptable. The main reason for making the Promo DVD is to attract potential donors willing to fund mass production of the DVD for free public distribution. IT companies, banks and big corporates including automobile manufacturers and dealers may make enquiries by writing to Open now Hiring. Safety First! Speed Next!! driver education Videos are now available on a DVD,  for more details please email at opennowhiring@gmail.com


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